Who We Are
We are a group of adult men of all ages colour and culture. In our organisation all are equal, we encourage self-improvement, mutual support, leadership development and charity. We help influence lives for the betterment of individuals and society. We are not a religion, we openly state our beliefs which guide our actions and behaviour.
Our values are non-denominational ethical, based on a respect for every human being. Our diverse membership allow us to learn from and bring out the best in each other.
What We Believe
Freemasonry is a fraternal society. Some believe it evolved from ancients stonemason’s guilds and it has certainly been in existence in some form since the 1500s. It offers a philosophy on life and its main aim is to help men sculpt themselves into better men; better Fathers, colleagues, employers, husbands and friends. Every Freemason believes in the following:
Brotherly love: Showing tolerance, fairness, respect and kindness to others.
Relief: The practice of charity and care for Freemasons and the community as a whole.
Truth: Honesty and integrity and high moral standards in everyday life.
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-political, non-religious, fraternal and charitable organisations.

What we do
We take part in social events, and we join in with our wives, partners and families in sharing these. We hold events to which non-Masons are invited. These may be organised by Grand Lodge or at lodge level. Many Masons become actively involved in charitable activities in their local community or do work for other good causes and charities.