Why we engage in charity
Freemasons learn about the importance of looking after those less fortunate than themselves from the day they join, but no-one is ever asked to give beyond their means. Family and personal commitments always come first. One of the benefits of membership is that when a Freemason or his dependants fall on difficult times, through circumstances or life changing events, Freemasonry has its own set of internal charities that can step in to offer assistance. In fact every Lodge has a Care Officer who looks out for brethren in difficulty and provides assistance when required.
What we aim to achieve
Charitable giving is Freemasonry in action. Did you know that our Freemasons’ Foundation exists to promote, fund and drive men’s health issues and to provide charitable work and funding in the community.
Freemasons make a major contribution to society through their own charities, and through donations to charities in South Australia and the Northern Territory, as well as Australian and Worldwide disaster relief funds with members playing an active role in the communities.
We do not undertake any external fundraising-all money donated comes from our own efforts.

How we do it
Each year the lodge decides which charity it is going to support and encourages its members to give freely within their means and to engage in activities that raise funds from their efforts.
We do not undertake any external fundraising.